.Hack Streaming
video streaming di tutti gli episodi della serie

.hack//sign [JAP SUB-ITA]
01 Role play02 Guardian
03 Folklore
04 Wanted
05 Captured
06 Encountrer
07 Reason
08 Promise
09 Epitaph
10 Compesation
11 Party
12 Entanglement
13 Twilight eye
14 Castle
15 Eividence
16 Depht
17 Conflict
18 Declaration
19 Recollection
20 Tempest
21 Despair
22 Phantom
23 The eve
24 Net Slum
25 Catastrophe
26 Return
27 Intermezzo
28 Unison
.hack//sign [ITA]
01 Role play02 Guardian
03 Folklore
04 Wanted
05 Captured
06 Encountrer
07 Reason
08 Promise
09 Epitaph
10 Compesation
11 Party
12 Entanglement
13 Twilight eye
14 Castle
15 Eividence
16 Depht
17 Conflict
18 Declaration
19 Recollection
20 Tempest
21 Despair
22 Phantom
23 The eve
24 Net Slum
25 Catastrophe
26 Return
27 Intermezzo
28 Unison
Titolo Italiano: .hack//dusk
01 "Hero of Legend"02 "Kite's Bracelet"
03 "The Wings of Phoenix"
04 "Tanabata Night"
05 "Mansion of Terror"
06 "Trap of Steam"
07 "Twilight Moon"
08 "Lonely Noble Knight"
09 "Impending Doom"
10 "Phantom City"
11 "End of The World"
12 "The Beginning of a Legend"
Titolo Italiano: .hack//roots
?? - Welcome to "The World"????? - Twilight Brigade
?? - Join
?? - Forefeel
?? - Distrust
?? - Conflict
?? - Intrigue
?? - Starting
?? - Melee
?? - Missing
??? - Discord
?? - Breakup
?? - Tragedy
???? - Unreturner
??? - Pad
?? - Resolution
????? - Painful Forest
?? - Limit
?? - Violation
?? - Pursuit
?? - Defeat
?? - Bonds
?? - Trial
?? - Confront
?? - Truth
?? - Determination
.hack//G.U. Returner.hack//G.U. trilogy
.hack//G.U. trilogy parody mode
In Case of MINASE, Mai (Il caso di Mai Minase)
In Case of Aihara, Yuki (Il caso di Yuki Aihara)
In case of Tonno, Kyoko (Il caso di Kyoko Tonno)
Trismegistos + Special (.hack//Gift)